It's Just Happening
iRealizationArticle13 Jan, 2022

It's Just Happening

We easily concede that some things happen by themselves but when it comes to the body, the sense of identity lodged in it makes things not so clear.

Sam: I’ve lost my consciousness for a good amount of hours. *laugh*

iRealization: Hahaha. Wasn’t it nice?

Sam: Yes, totally.

iRealization: People are always waiting to go back to sleep because that is the only thing that gives you the fullness of your being – knowing fully you have no control. The rest is fragmented consciousness, running around in the mind world. Running around as you have free will, as if something is happening. The minute one says something is happening you’ve brought in the broken consciousness which is the unreal portion. Otherwise nothing can be said to be happening because that’s a mere description of some limited experience based on memory.

Amy: I agree with all that but what I don’t get is where do we go from here?

iRealization: Sam, what is the practical use of this?

Sam: Usually what we do with our life is that we keep on reacting instead of acting. We react because we have a lot of components in the dream that are created in the process of adding our self in it. When we add our self in it we add opinions, we add perspectives, past, we add knowledge. All that makes everything so difficult and unnecessary… we add so many parameters instead of simply acting based on the data that is available. So when you start to let go of yourself and start to see everything as pure data that is a simple calculation of one plus one equals two, you don’t have to bring additional parameters and confuse yourself. It’s pure action upon action upon action. When you do that, that is when pure creativity can arise because you are taking action with the adequate knowledge required to do it instead of you bringing yourself and focusing on the problem within the problem.

iRealization: Beautifully said, let me add to it. What Sam’s saying is very simple. When you act with Awareness but you don’t consciously act, there is a difference. When you consciously act that’s based on your own knowledge – all the things you know and identify with. Otherwise, in Awareness, with Awareness, no knowledge is there because all knowledge has become nullified. There is no particular knowledge, only action. What is not action is called reaction. Reacting because of past trauma or whatever past story there is. That makes up the personal me, but with Awareness what happens instead is actual, by being yourself without nothing added on top of it, which is not the illusory being that’s trapped.

Manifestation is our own, it’s our nature. Everyday we manifest. In the dream we manifest, in the waking state you are manifesting. Manifesting is our nature! We are existence itself, not apart from it. What arises is the ignorance of this fact and that is called consciousness. The moment you say “I know” or eat from the tree of knowledge, as it was said in The Bible, you will fall from paradise… Why? Because you believe yourself to be the person and no longer what reality is. The knowledge of me, of “I am this person”, of this or that, that is the knowledge acting, so conscious action is always knowledge based, whereas Awareness… there’s neither action or reaction there. No procrastination there. It is not only the flow state, it really is beyond everything that you can imagine because imagination doesn't function there. Imagination can only be of the past. So… what is the practical aspect when you want to manifest something? By getting out of your way as you are manifestation itself. Whatever you say will happen, will happen, except you must make sure that you also won’t say it won’t happen.

Amy: I’m still pretty unclear how you act without knowledge…

iRealization: See, you are walking on the street… Suddenly a bus is about to hit you, what is it that you do there? Before you know what happens you jump out of the way, right? Who is acting there? Were you acting consciously?

Amy: Some part of me was…

iRealization: That part of you which is digesting food right now without any control from you. That part which is breathing, the blood is pumping, making all your body parts work together, see? That part of you is doing its job but you also have this other part which is the self-reflective consciousness, meta-cognition. There is only what is happening, where meta-cognition has nothing to do with what is happening.

Amy: But it filters how you see everything.

iRealization: Correct, which is why it is the problem. You are not seeing reality. You are filtering it based on what you already know, which again… is a filter based on the past. There you’ll get stuck in La-la Land of unreality, whereas what is suggested is that all there is is reality.

Amy: So how do you choose to act like that?

iRealization: By understanding very, very clearly that you do not have any choice in the matter. You cannot choose. What choice have you ever had? You were born to your parents without your knowledge. All the activities happened because of that first event, if they hadn’t met, the things that then happened would have not happened and we wouldn’t have met. This meeting would not have happened. So which part of it was happening based on your free will?

Amy: Ok. So I need to accept that I do not have any control.

iRealization: Isn’t it? You are operating under illusion. You don’t have to accept it, you can continue to behave in any way you want but the question is simple… if you want to find out what is happening, you have to see clearly what is actually going on. And then based on your own understanding you decide.

Amy: So do I have limited amounts of control or…

iRealization: See if you have limited control you basically have no control. If some small thing is not in your control, the complexity of the whole chaos theory makes that small thing become big. Either you have perfect control or no control at all. There is no half control.

Amy: You can control some things and not others, right? Like, I can choose to do something and not other…

iRealization: See, you want something in particular but in order to get that something, the process of getting that something should be in your control. Either you want to have something specific and you must have the way to make it or you are imagining it to happen some way and that is imagination based on the past and unreality… It is hope and it is hopeless. So when you do not have a choice in the matter, where is the question of choosing?

Amy: There isn’t one.

iRealization: This has to become actually the fact. Right now it is intellectual because it makes logical sense. If we are talking in a dream and I tell the dream characters “Hey, don’t worry this is all just a dream,” they’ll think I’m crazy just like now, no difference. In the end it is the fructification of reality, which is knowledge driven. In other words, the idea of something happening is the illusory happening. If I say in the dream that you’ll experience all your desires, will you be happy or sad?

Amy: Happy.

iRealization: Are you sure? It is only a dream. The minute you wake up you will be lamenting.

Amy: Right…

iRealization: That very desire, what is it? One has to see. And what can desire be? Isn’t it only of the past?

Amy: Yeah.

iRealization: So, what use is the past? When one is seeking reality, where’s the question of the past in there?

Amy: It shouldn’t be there but it is.

iRealization: No, no… because you are believing the past to be there. The past cannot be there, you know? Past is gone, isn’t it? What I or you remember in memory, is there any reality to that idea you’ve put in there?

Amy: No.

iRealization: So everything is the past, everything is memory. What are you left with?

Amy: Awareness, action, right?

iRealization: Ultimately you will realize all there is is Awareness, because everything else is not the real part, that’s it.

Amy: Ok, but then whatever this is is just awareness. There would be no reason to act…

iRealization: That is the false question because the one to act doesn’t exist. Once you realize the truth that question itself doesn’t arise whatsoever. You will be in one’s permanent state of bliss, what we call Sat-chit-ānanda. There are three things to Sat-chit-ānanda: existence which we discussed – we all know we are – it is evident that you exist, the second is consciousness, or knowledge portion, otherwise you would not know you are. “I Am” is the experience, so the second one is that I also know that I am, that I exist. The experience of this part is evident in sleep where there is no other knowledge because of what we call lack of consciousness. Knowledge is only in consciousness. Awareness does not know anything. Knowing is only of something based on the past and based on concepts. The third, ānanda, is the experience of this as bliss. In other words, if you don’t create suffering there’s only the bliss of creation.

Amy: So you are saying we don’t have meta-cognition in dreams?

iRealization: Cognition, meta-cognition are all just words, what is actually there is just consciousness.

Amy: I know that I am… that thinking, is it not in a dream?

iRealization: Obviously, otherwise you would not say that “I had a dream”. Consciousness itself is that, the “I know” principle. It equals knowledge.

Amy: So instead we should seek awareness.

iRealization: You have to see what is actually happening, that is what you have to do. You cannot seek anything, as there is nobody to seek. But to see clearly it doesn’t require anything, just remain yourself. You are seeing everything… just keep seeing this fact, what I’m pointing to. That in fact nothing is happening, just Pure Seeing. Once you see for yourself this becomes clear. If you are in the desert and running behind a mirage for water, when will you stop? If I say that it’s only a mirage, people still go mad in the desert full of thirst. When will they stop?

Amy: Yeah, they need to accept that it is a mirage.

iRealization: That acceptance is what? If I tell you that it is a mirage, that you shouldn’t run and you agree to that and say you accept this fact because you know physics and all that… but then you get there you run behind it. That is the difference between knowledge versus being.

Amy: You’re saying I need to act on it…

iRealization: Ah! Only action is there, there is no knowledge portion at all.

Sam: Past knowledge of course helps, right?

iRealization: I have to point us back. What is the goal here? To find what is real. If the past is useful, that is just for another past. You can manifest anything because it is simply consciousness, but to find reality… you’ll never find it in manifestation.

Sam: For example knowledge comes in handy if you want to book a uber, so you know you have to grab your phone, install an app, etc. You think you might have gotten it from past knowledge but if you analyze every microsecond, every action was literally just happening.

iRealization: Absolutely. So that knowledge is not really knowledge, it is a description, you understand? “I paid an uber”, “I went into an uber”, but it’s not actually, is it? It’s a happening. What is more accurate to say is that “I saw myself take an uber”, “I saw myself pay for it,” you know? Because that’s an actual fact. Like a dream. So, to see clearly one doesn’t need anything special. The same seeing equipment is used which is called the mind and by seeing through that mind, the mind disappears.

Amy: How does the mind disappear, I don’t know how that happens. I can’t make my mind disappear.

iRealization: You don’t need to know because the you who would know is the thing that disappears, that is called mind and you are left with what is really there, which is called Awareness. By calling it anything means that it is not really that.

Amy: Ok, awareness is a description of it.

iRealization: Isn’t it? Absolutely. So we’re talking about the most rarefied things, my friends, and we are putting this in action because the world requires a little bit of shaking up. Only because it is a dream. Lila, the play of consciousness.

Amy: So, I don’t understand, how can I make it disappear?

iRealization: You cannot. You cannot make it. What is it that makes you go to sleep?

Amy: Emptying the mind…

iRealization: Hum, that same thing.

Amy: But you can not act it.

iRealization: That you is already not acting, no? It’s thinking that it’s acting. That thinking disappears, because that thinking is the false part. Your digestion… who is doing it right now?

Amy: But you still need conscious action…

iRealization: Are you consciously digesting your food?

Amy: No.

iRealization: Even in your sleep state you will be digesting, even in an unconscious state it is happening. Who is doing it?

Amy: The body.

iRealization: Can the body do something? Because the body is just matter, energy particles. The body is just a collection of dead matter.

Amy: It cannot do with agency but things can happen automatically.

iRealization: Absolutely correct, now… where is the boundary there? Is the body doing something? Is it just a clump of actions here and a clump of actions there? Or is it the entire set of atoms in a singular dance?

Amy: There is a lot of unity…

iRealization: There is only unity. Isn’t it that the entire thing is a single set of events from the Big Bang onwards? Reaction upon reaction upon reaction. And reality is in fact, and as you see everything around you… connected. Where is the question of not connected? Only in conceptual understanding.

Amy: But that is in the past, right? That is all knowledge.

iRealization: Yeah, even the description of the world is knowledge only. Where are the different parts? It’s just an idea in your perception. There is no tree, in fact. What you call a “tree” is not independently a tree.

Amy: So you’re saying in the same way everything is acting as one.

iRealization: Isn’t it? The moment of the Big Bang, an explosion happened and everything began to happen as an immediate action and reaction, action and reaction, action and reaction… to the previous moment in time. So where is the question of something not happening at once or synchronistically with everything else?

Amy: Synchronicity doesn’t mean unity of purpose. Just because things are happening at the same time doesn’t mean they’re happening for the same reason.

iRealization: Purpose is only for you, the individual. Overall there is no purpose in the system because it is simply a reaction to the past, when in reality there is no choice in the matter. It is only that limited knowledge that seeks meaning and purpose because it seeks meaning and purpose based on its own self, which is a limited, unreal, perception-driven past.

Amy: Oh, you’re saying that we think consciousness…

iRealization: Memory is consciousness. What else do you call knowledge? Where else will knowledge sit? The actual knowledge doesn’t need any explicit knowledge – you know you are! That experience is itself the knowledge of your being. That’s all. That is the truth at all times.

I used some words but now… to experience it. That actual experience that you may seek, you have to understand so you know what it is, and then you realize that any experience that you have can only be based on the past. So the experience is itself the past. So what experience? There is no experience! It’s like in sleep… blissful sleep! There’s no problems. The wants and dislikes of the individual come always from knowledge and memory, which you are giving meaning to.

Amy: Adding to that, you can say, think or do anything…

iRealization: Exactly, activity has no meaning there, it’s just the manifestation principle. You get out of your own way and manifest. It’s called lucid dreaming by some people but we do not need to go there. Even that is foolish. What is the point? It’s a dream, no? How much effort will that take? Just go back to sleep, and that’s finished. To realize that the one who is the dreamer itself is the dreamed

You can call it dreaming, waking, life-ing. There is only Light. There is only beautiful manifestation which is all me, you, all of us, one thing, and from your heart you do whatever you want. The thing is that if you realize you are dreaming you do whatever you do. Do that!

Amy: So any problem that you have with yourself you have to be outside of yourself to understand it.

iRealization: Any understanding can only be inside you. You’ll never get outside of yourself with understanding because understanding is knowledge based. What understanding will you have?

Amy: But you can have awareness…

iRealization: Which has no understanding, no knowledge, no consciousness, no right or wrong. Nothing is there. It is what is.

Sam: It’s a very tricky thing to understand but at the same time it’s very simple. If I’m speaking right now I don’t think there is any memory controlling my action, I’m just talking. If I analyze every microsecond it is happening, just happening.

iRealization: Very beautifully said, Sam. And to add to that, we are not asking you to forget, we’re asking you to recognize.

Amy: How do I act on that recognition?

iRealization: How can you act differently? If you see that the bus is about to hit you, will you stay in front of it? When you recognize, you are already acting, your body is doing it, the so-called “body”. It’s happening!

Sam: Life is always already happening. So you don’t need to put labels on it or tell yourself that there is something special you need to do.

Amy: In that case how would you learn from your mistakes?

iRealization: All things that are so-called happening, are actually operating on the past knowledge only, right? Recognition of what? Of the past. So the limited knowledge is already happening and as you keep recognizing more and more and more of what we’re saying, then action just happens. There is no question of “how will I recognize?”, “how will I improve?” and all that. Based on your own level of Awareness you’ll be acting differently.

Sam: Like the first meeting I had with iRealization, he made me realize that I’m not a designer at all. What he made me realize was that if someone comes to me with a problem, I have to put the label of designer on myself but if I remove that label, if I remove that understanding of myself from myself, if I remove all the past memories, remove all that, then I’m just no one, and in that space I can have so much more solutions to that problem that in fact are so much more creative than the solutions I had when I labeled myself as someone, you understand? So this is one way you can have genuine creativity.


Photography - Courtesy of Vincent Chin

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