You Might Not Wake Up In This Lifetime
iRealizationArticle18 Jan, 2022

You Might Not Wake Up In This Lifetime

Sawyer and iRealization sit in the ether to confront life, death and other pills that are hard to swallow.

Sawyer: How many people do yoga and completely miss the point?

iRealization: Almost everybody. It’s not that everybody misses the point, it’s just that everyone is in their own process and unless they are able to calm their mind they cannot see anything.

Sawyer: Because there’s no point anyway, right?

iRealization: That’s right, it’s not like anything is happening either way. It’s just like a dream. You wake up and nothing happened. It’s literally that nothing is happening. That’s a fact.

Sawyer: It seems like we keep on getting a deeper understanding, now I’m really seeing that it’s just the seeing, for today. I don’t know how long it’s going to last.

iRealization: When you say that, “Today I’m seeing, and I don’t know how long it is going to last,” What is it exactly meant, you see?

Sawyer: Because it’s fresh right now.

iRealization: No, no, no. What is fresh right now is your concept of it, what is already there is there. It’s not something new that you discover. You just realized something that you’ve created some new concepts about and you’re saying “Oh, I have this new concept now and how long will this new concept last?” Not long because no concept lasts. But that’s not Seeing, right? The Seeing is the seeing of the concepts. The concept is not the Seeing because Seeing is not conceptual. It is the mind that is conceptual, but the Seeing is before the mind. How do you know there is a mind? How do you know there is a concept? How do you know that you will retain or not retain this idea?

Sawyer: Just trying to answer that is getting in the way. I have to be quiet.

iRealization: Right. To realize that coming up with answers is in the way… that is what we call silence. You transcend that thing, the activity of whether it goes on or not. It is not there and has nothing to do with it.

Sawyer: I’m guessing it takes repeated exposure. I feel it’s like learning how to ride a bike.

iRealization: Or rather unlearning on how to not ride a bike. We now have to learn how to not do whatever we kept doing and go back to the natural way of riding the bike, which is what we all do already. So this yoga is the same thing, the repetition of what we are discussing, and why we call it yoga of the physical mind.

Sawyer: Is it actual yoga or mental exercises?

iRealization: It is a little of both. There are eleven postures, asanas, for two minutes each that you use during this forty-four minute session and the other times you are basically meditating and possibly doing a guided meditation with a speaker who explains very briefly the same concept over and over again. And it’s quick, forty-four minutes, that way anyone can do it whenever they want, we can run classes and train instructors on this. There is a small book, kind of a pamphlet, which will be the instruction manual. Now that people understand mindfulness, the idea is that now that you know you have a mind, how do you get rid of it? And go back to the flow state which we all want. We call it no-mindfulness.

Sawyer: I want to help people. I feel like I understand suffering and I just want to be able to help people.

iRealization: Yeah, that is what it is. Very few people actually get it. For that you need a very, very keen intellect. Intellect is in the way because concepts are intellectual and intellect drives your concepts. The clarity of seeing as it evolves, as the consciousness evolves through its many, many lives or imagination, so to speak, it knows more about itself and about concepts. It becomes sharper, so to speak, it becomes wiser and settles down from running around – it is able to see. Why they say the path of knowledge is very difficult, even though in the end there are no paths because they all culminate in this point of nothingness, is because the intellect has to see that it is not the supreme.

Sawyer: But if you haven’t seen that, what does it matter?

iRealization: First, intellectually you have to understand because see… all understanding is intellectual, right?

Sawyer: Right.

iRealization: The real understanding is not intellectual so therefore let’s use the word “intellectual” as the intellectual understanding that we talk about. So, intellectually you have to understand that intellectually you cannot understand. *laugh* Once this point becomes clear, only then can the seeking end, otherwise you ’ll always want to understand. Unless you become very clear that you cannot… and why is that? Because we are discussing an abstraction level that is beyond the mind, right? If I’m my eye and I’m seeing with my own eye, then I cannot see my eye itself. I can only see other things. So, I need a mirror to see my own eye because it has to reflect back to my eye, otherwise the seeing instrument cannot be seen and what is seen is not the seeing instrument. It’s always a reflection only. However it is a reflection of the seeing instrument, therefore what is seen is the image of the seeing instrument which does not need understanding, right? It is seen. So Seeing precedes intellect, because otherwise how do you know you have an intellect? That is what is meant by using the mind to kill the mind. First understand that the mind cannot understand. That’s it! Nothing else needs to be done because after that once you realize that the mind cannot do it. You realize that what you’ve been calling mind is not “your mind.” It is simply a reaction, simply happening all the time and you’re seeing that. So only Seeing remains because doing and understanding is not done by a “me”, and you’ll realize it is a wasted effort, right? Why keep on doing something that has not any meaning nor accomplishes anything?

Sawyer: For me that’s where I get stuck, once you’ve tasted the truth my head is backwards. You know that this is not right. This isn’t it..

iRealization: One-hundred percent correct. Now, after that… what?

Sawyer: I don’t know, that’s where I’m at.

iRealization: “This is not it” is correct. However, “this is not it” is an intellectual statement, therefore it’s a pointer to yourself, at best. It is not the actual situation. It just says what it’s not, doesn’t tell you what it is. So to find what it is, that will be the ending because until then the mind wants to know, right?

Sawyer: So that’s the unfolding part…

iRealization: That’s the unfolding. Now, the further unfolding and real unfolding is that you are not unfolding. You cannot do anything. The individual is conceptualized by the intellect. That is the doer, you see? It is assigning cause and effect – that is what the mind is. The minute you say “cause”, there is an identity there – some agency that did something. Otherwise there is no cause. There is no entity, no individual agency, everything is interdependent on each other. Everything is responsible for everything, which it is because it’s all connected and the whole situation is one. The agency factor does not exist. No individual is responsible for their own actions. Then, that unfolding process, which you’re hoping will happen for you, there’s no anxiety about it because you are not the one who can possibly do it. You’ve never been the one doing it and what has actually been the case becomes clear. Which is what? What is the actual case?

Sawyer: It’s just occurring, just happening…

iRealization: Right? And how do you know that it is happening?

Sawyer: You are experiencing it. It’s being seen, I guess… You’re like a light, you’re the illumination.

iRealization: You are the illumination. You see, without your knowing-it, can it exist? If you do not know it, let’s say it’s in a part of the universe that you cannot know it, then what is the meaning of its existence, to who? From whose perspective is existence even questioned? You say there is existence… who is the one that declares that to be the case? Suppose no sentient being was in the universe, would the universe exist?

Sawyer: Right… No? Who’s to say? I don’t know.

iRealization: The “who’s to say” question arises only when there is consciousness. If there was no intelligence in the universe, if there was no observation, there was no seer, no knowing, being or seeing, no consciousness, if you didn’t know about it, if you were not aware of it… Awareness is a transcendental factor, no? It is not in the object. What is the mango? Everyone eats the mango and says different things to describe it, but the mango is the mango, and it has no interest in what you have to say about it. So, if there was nobody to say what is a mango at all, if there was no cognizer, does the universe exist? If nobody is aware of universe's existence, does it exist?

Sawyer: I guess, technically?

iRealization: Let’s say, if you are in a dream right now and there are other dimensions, the very fact of calling it a different dimension implies that you cannot access it. What you had in your dream, a very rich man, lots of money, or you were very poor, both those situations don’t exist now. The entire universe and all the dimensions that you may discuss happens within the universe only, or within the consciousness. So to cognize it is the thing, without cognition there cannot be any dimensions at all. Dimensions is a measure of seeing, such as seeing the height of it, seeing the length of it, seeing it in duration, which is time. Time is a dimension, right? Duration and volume is needed for me to cognize anything, otherwise there is no physical manifestation of any object. The physical manifestation is the volume. Matter occupies volume and has a definite dimension, that is the definition of matter.

Sawyer: That it takes up space?

iRealization: Yeah, takes up space. Matter has volume – could be very small, nanosized like an atom but it still takes up physical space. And for you to cognize it, you still need to cognize it in time, which is duration, which means it has to continue to be present for you to see it as so-called time progresses.

Sawyer: Does that mean that consciousness needs time?

iRealization: Consciousness itself is time. Time is an aspect of consciousness. Time is not a dimension. There is no such a thing called dimensions. Everything is now. Even to say that… there is not anything called “now” either, right? There is no time at all actually. See, it is a dimension of seeing. Not that there is actually something physically there. The very seeing requires or creates time. If you don’t see where is time? Like I said earlier, if the dream goes on without your knowledge, whose dream is it? Will you even know it was a dream? The people there, other dream characters, did these people experience something? Who experienced that universe?

As you said, seeing is experiencing, because without experience you didn’t know that you saw. So the real seeing is only experiencing without seeing, because seeing is conceptual, it requires consciousness, it is the content. It will say “this tree” and “that tree” and many things are there in the universe. But in reality there is only Pure Consciousness. Everything is Pure Consciousness which is the substrate of the world. Although, if you say there is a tree, that creates the division between the tree and the rest. It’s like a painting… In one single painting, a house is drawn there but actually there is nothing called a house separated from the rest. In this one painting with a bunch of colors together, the whole story is created at once.

Sawyer: Oh, right! Because everything relies on everything. In order for there to be a house, there has to be all these other pieces. There has to be language, because we call it a house. Where do we draw the line at this being a house?

iRealization: Yes, absolutely.

Sawyer: Why is this stuff not everywhere? I feel like it would improve our science, I feel like it would improve so much stuff.

iRealization: It is there everywhere. These books have been written for five-thousand years. We are not interested in it. For you to go to Niagara Falls and say “Wow, how beautiful this is!”, Why doesn’t everybody see it everyday? Because it’s not required, they are not interested, they are doing other things.

Sawyer: Just like some people are good at drawing, or good at painting, I’m interested in this.

iRealization: Right. Even this is not your doing. You are not the one interested in this. It is unfolding and you happen to be here. There is nothing special because this dream will vanish, you will not retain this greatness.

Sawyer: That kind of makes me sad.

iRealization: It makes you sad because you think you are a person.

Sawyer: I thought the other day like “I feel like I got to do right by this Sawyer guy because he’s only here for a little bit. I got to help him out because he’s going to be gone.” *laugh*

iRealization: Yeah, but the thing is to help Sawyer see he is the house in the painting. To realize what is Sawyer. Simply a word that points to a part of the whole painting. The whole painting is together, there is no part. There is nothing apart from the painting. If I take the whole painting out, everything goes away. There is no part of it remaining as its own. There is no half painting that I can keep as mine. So when you say Sawyer and all… there is only one thing here, not even one really because the minute you say “one” it creates the very two, three, five. Not two! That is called non-dual and advaita means that, not-two. It is about what the words actually mean.

Sawyer: Because one implies…

iRealization: Yes, that’s why it’s not-two. So it’s a process of seeing.

Sawyer: What is it that wakes up then?

iRealization: Nothing wakes up. Ignorance, the knowledge factor, is not there. It’s all about knowledge. If I tell you something you’ll act according to it if you believe it. Last year someone shot that pizza place because someone thought there was a Hillary Clinton driven child pornography ring going on. See, they believe it, no? Who’s to blame for that happening? He’s susceptible to such things. He has believed what he read online and stuff. You can say and have an opinion about it but the fact that it’s happening is a natural occurrence. So the story-telling creates reality! The whole thing is based on knowledge. So what we talk about here is another kind of knowledge, another idea, but this concept is negating other concepts. It is a concept but it is saying everything is a concept, including this one, therefore once you realize this, the question of what wakes up becomes clear. False knowledge disappears.

Sawyer: You see better…

iRealization: There is only Seeing so the question of who sees is not relevant. Only Seeing remains after that. It’s not that I see… There is Seeing! Like in a dream, can I say that I dreamt? That question is irrelevant because the character is not me. I became the character only for that portion and now is gone. Even now that is the case.

When I die or wake up from this dream, it will only be for this period, no difference at all! It’s showing you everyday the nature of existence, that for a period of time you’ll become this but it’s going to move on and we all die. Death is a fundamental thing, we just keep not wanting to think about it. On the other hand, if you do think about it, you realize that at the end of the day, nobody has gone to sleep. Therefore, nobody can wake up. That is why it’s called an eternal process – nobody was born at all – therefore there is no death. This has to become so clear and natural that the outcome is that you become Yourself. And you are not fearful at all because everything is clearly known to be You and what it is is very clear.

Sawyer: But you can’t chase it, would you just let it come to you? I don’t understand that part.

iRealization: See… this question of it is creating a secondary thing. Something like an external entity who will come and do something. It’s not there. Like god or ghost, Santa, anything you imagine is not there. You make it up, right? So just to see clearly what is happening, that has to happen.

Sawyer: And there’s nothing you can do, it will happen at some point, hopefully… *laugh*

iRealization: It will happen. The very fact that you are having this conversation today is a sign that it will happen. There is no question about it not happening. It might not happen in this lifetime. It’s very sad, very tragic to realize this but once you realize that then there comes an immense peace and freedom.

Sawyer: Oh, cause it might not. I mean, who knows…

iRealization: There is nothing going on, so when we constantly wait for some illusory happening, what’s the point?

Sawyer: Maybe this is just my ego talking but I feel very confident because of my experience. I feel it’s going to click and when it clicks I’m going to be clear, it will just make sense to me, I imagine… *laugh*

iRealization: What you have to be very clear about is that you will not be aware of it at that point, so you will not know it. It will not matter. It’s no different than death. You have to see what is death.

Sawyer: Yeah, there won’t be a “me” to know. That’s sad. *laugh*

iRealization: You call it sad… You see, we all celebrate life, not death. We all celebrate the material, not the spiritual. We all celebrate what is manifested, not the unmanifested. This opposite is the illusion.


Artwork - Courtesy of Kellepics

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