When Shiva Went To Sleep, Shakti Began To Dance
iRealizationArticle20 Jan, 2022

When Shiva Went To Sleep, Shakti Began To Dance

It is the overpowering by Shakti that creates the illusion, the dynamic factor, the movement. Whereas the Pure Seeing is ever awake. Ever the witness.

Sawyer: Everything happening is just in flow.

iRealization: That’s what it is. Anything that arises is seen to be what it is and does not flow horizontally, if you know what I mean. Horizontal movement of mind is creating time, you know? It makes you think about the future or the past. But time doesn’t exist, right? There’s no past or future. So, what’s happening?

Sawyer: Time is what? It’s you looking at the past and the future?

iRealization: Looking at the past which doesn’t exist, that doesn’t make any sense. Looking at the future, also doesn’t make any sense. So what we call time is actually psychological time. You are creating time when you say “It will happen tomorrow.” But there’s no tomorrow, is there? Let’s say something happens, somebody says something, and before you respond there’s an image that flashes which prompts you to respond, and all the response is captured in that tiny little flash that comes to you when the reaction occurs, the rest is an elaboration.

Sawyer: Yeah, you stretch it out so you can look at it.

iRealization: That duration of looking at it is what is called as the perceiving of time. In order for you to actually experience the idea, one has to be the mind that examines it in horizontal duration – a thought that moves in time. But you see, before that happens it is just a flash, a flash of inspiration, a flash of insight, a flash of memory, of response. And everything is in that. You know what you have to say and how to say it.

Sawyer: If you know it, why do you have to explain to yourself what thoughts are? They come to you and then you have to unpack them and look at them.

iRealization: You have to unpack and look at them only if you have to express them to somebody else.

Sawyer: Yes.

iRealization: So imagine you are the only person on the planet…

Sawyer: Probably would stop thinking in words at all.

iRealization: Maybe, maybe not. But for sure you’d realize the pointlessness of thoughts because who is it for? Definitely not for yourself because you already know.

Sofie: I love it that thoughts don’t matter because thoughts do suck. *laugh*

iRealization: One has to see what is a thought, right? What exactly is it?

Sofie: What exactly is it?

iRealization: Yeah.

Sofie: Ugh. For me it’s usually the mind creating a bubble of narrative around one thing or another so that I can make it more palatable for myself. If I don’t bother with the narrative then I can just accept anything and I’m not worried about it.

iRealization: Right. How do you know you have a thought?

Sofie: If I’m doing mind words then I know that I’m too busy thinking. I can’t tell you what it is, I don’t know.

iRealization: One may call it a thought when you are in the flow state and you have a busy day at work or whatever, and many things are going on. The mind is active in the sense that you are processing activity, so the processing of activity can also manifest as thought in the sense that it is the thought in action.

If you are walking on the street and suddenly you see a bus about to run you over, that is the automatic mind, the thinking mind doesn’t engage there. It’s not like you’re going to start examining your choices, you just jump out of the way! It will happen before you know it and then you’ll reflect on it: “Oh! Did you see that?!” and so on. But who is that for? Who is that expression for and where did that expression come from? It was part of the involuntary jumping out of that place. So, you have to see that there are two kinds of activity of mind, one is where things are happening but you are not present, but you are very much there as a witness.

Sofie: You’re the verb. You’re no longer the noun doing the thing. You are the verb that is actually doing.

iRealization: Yes. You’re the experiencing. You’re not the doing to be specific, but you are experiencing the doing or the happening because there is no doer there. The bus was not there to attack you, you know? So when seen clearly, there is nothing personal whatsoever in the universe. It’s simply a happening.

Sofie: Yeah, I feel like the explaining of thinking is only to put my mind to sleep. Like putting a baby to sleep. *laugh*

iRealization: Yes. When you see a beautiful flower from a distance, what happens? You appreciate it. The eyesight which is a sense is activated but you don’t know how it smells because it’s too far, nor how it feels as you can’t touch it. So from a distance, when you see it, you only get partial knowledge of it. When the visual stimuli is perceived what happens?

Sawyer: Hum… What do you mean?

iRealization: When the visual stimuli of the colors suddenly come into your field of vision, two things might happen, either you notice or you don’t notice it. You don’t notice everything, right? Like right now you might be sitting in a chair and you won’t notice that there’s a small crack near your foot and you will not know it. If you look down then you might see it but you were not aware of it before because you didn’t notice it. What is noticing? When you walk through a market you don’t notice everything, you don’t know everything that you have seen. Suddenly you see something and you stop. What is it that occurred there?

Sawyer: Yeah. Who’s noticing anything?

iRealization: Right. So what is it that notices some stuff and doesn’t notice other stuff? So, when you see that color coming to your vision, first you have to notice it. Your attention is moved towards the flower and you know this not because of any other fact than there being a reaction, suddenly you say “Oh, what a beautiful flower.” So the first thing is the recognition part, it triggers the impressions and memories that you have and the abstractness – the idea that it is a flower arises. What you’ve stored is not what a flower actually is. What you’ve stored is memory. And you might want to know more about it. To know is only through the senses and mind, so you might want to know more… know the smell, how it feels to the touch. But for the time you’ve seen it, it’s still partial knowledge because all the senses are required to give you complete knowledge of it. Now, even after all the five senses have been engaged, many people may feel satisfied to a degree in some of these sensual experiences but what the flower really is, these senses can also not tell you, because again… they are partial. It’s not the complete picture yet.

You wake up and open your eyes, the light is coming in, the sound is coming in, all five senses are activated, right? Is it not, right now?

Sawyer: Right.

iRealization: And even then you don’t know what it is.

Sawyer: How do you ever know anything? You just decided that you know…

iRealization: Let’s say tonight you go to sleep and a dream starts – lots of things happen, you eat many mangoes and stuff – suddenly you wake up. The entire universe has just disappeared but the knowledge of what it was, now at this point in time, after you woke up, is that knowledge still present or not?

Sawyer: The memory of it is…

iRealization: No, the knowledge of what it was. Memory means what allegedly happened in your mind, such as “I was eating a mango and then a friend of mine appeared.” The memory is there but you know it’s not a real thing.

Sawyer: The knowledge of it… you cannot know it anymore because it’s not there.

iRealization: Listen to what I’m saying. The knowledge that it was not real. That the mango never existed, you were never there, these people were never there, nothing was there and you were just experiencing a dream which you did not know – when you were eating the mango in the dream that knowledge did not exist there – the knowledge that it was a dream and not really happening. When you woke up, suddenly you realized that it was never happening, but that knowledge is now here with you. You now know nothing really happened. You know this when you wake up, right? That’s why you say it was just a memory and not real, because the knowledge that it was not real arises when you wake up.

Sofie: I think about applying that to this, knowing that this is just a dream. And at that point my mind is just gone.

iRealization: Because when I say dream, it is dream like in the sense that there is a difference in the time factor. The actual time is the experience, the density and duration of an event, right? One feels it is real because it’s happening slowly and you are able to experience all parts of it, like right now, it’s not like a dream. Dreams are fast, they have an ethereal quality to them. They don’t have such a dense quality, such a gross quality. The memory of the dream is very ephemeral, transient and hazy. We know that the dream happened in no time at all. There was no time factor in the dream. A lot of things can happen, and the dream may indicate that a lot of time has passed but when you woke up it was hardly two minutes, because the alarm had just gone off and you went back to sleep for two minutes. So you see, the time is what you are experiencing inside the conscious state, either a dream or waking state, or any other state. You might have an altered state and you might have a different experience, but you’re very much going to come back to another experience and say “Oh, that was an experience.” And you know that was an experience when you come out of it. So the knowledge that the experience arised, but you didn’t know it, is the basic ignorance needed for that particular universe to exist as that universe. The dream will stop if you say everything is a dream in the dream itself, right? That’s called waking up. You have to see what is going on, the whole thing – these worlds appear and disappear. Where is the reality to it? If you go and ask someone inside a dream “What planet is this? How old is this planet?”, they say it’s four and a half billion years old, they take you to the museums, you can talk with all the people who can tell you details about everything and they think it’s real but who is that “they” in the dream?

Sawyer: Right, they only exist in the dream, once you wake up they’re gone.

iRealization: At that point whose dream is it? Let’s answer that question. Sawyer is the one who went to sleep and you are dreaming of yourself as Jacob, the character, and you meet Sofie and everybody else. Now, Jacob is doing all these things and he realizes that this is a dream, and he goes to tell that to Sofie, which calls Jacob crazy and asks him to go away because she is full of work that she needs to finish by the end of the day. Now Jacob is like “Damn, I don’t know what’s going on…” Now whose dream is it?

Sawyer: Well, at this point it’s Jacob’s dream? I mean he’s still a dream character. It’s my dream.

iRealization: Ah! Can Jacob know whose dream it is?

Sawyer: No.

iRealization: Because he is not there right now, in that dimension of time and space! The dreamer does not exist there, right? The dreamer does not exist inside the dream. The dream is the arisal of the dreamer. The dreamer is the source of the dream. So what appears cannot access the dreamer from within the manifestation. Jacob cannot know about Sawyer. Jacob has to disappear, there is no other way for Jacob to access the beyond because if he is present he is in the manifestation. The unmanifest, or the dreamer, is beyond the dream, right? Beyond means beyond space and time. You cannot access it by going back in time or going to a particular place in this particular manifestation. Are you following?

Sawyer: Yes.

iRealization: Because time and space arises within consciousness of that particular state of consciousness. Which is why when that state of consciousness ends and you don’t have consciousness for a while, like when you’re sleeping, and you regain consciousness, by waking up or having another dream, you are not confused about the different states of consciousness. Each state is completely isolated from each other. Even when having memories of a certain state you know that it’s not applicable to this conscious state, right? But you do tell yourself that yesterday, like the actual yesterday, is applicable. You convince yourself that timeline is the same timeline. But if you realize that all time is imagined, if you see what is actually going on, where is the question of time? What is time?

Sawyer: The whole dreamer is the whole thing, he’s the whole experience…

iRealization: Correct. Once Jacob has understood that, now what?

Sawyer: There’s nothing else to do, I don’t know. Whatever he wants to do! *laugh*

iRealization: Further on that, whatever experiences you have in the dream, Jacob is eating a mango, he’s enjoying it and having a great time. He knows it is a dream, right? The real knowledge is there when you have woken up and then you know that dream is not real, at all! At that point, you literally don’t care. It has no value, not real. Is there any difference between Jacob and Sawyer when Jacob knows, true knowing, that it is a dream? In other words, Jacob has an individual set of ideas that determine his experience based on his conditioning, which by knowing he’s dreaming is no longer there. Then what is the experience of Jacob?

Sawyer: I don’t know, this is hard to follow…

iRealization: See, ten people eat the same mango, they all have different experiences of it. One says it is sweet, one says it is weird, one says “Yum!” Right? Ten different experiences in that group. Where is the actual experience of the mango?

Sawyer: The people tasting it.

iRealization: So, how come they have different perceptions of the same mango?

Sawyer: Because they are different people?

iRealization: We have already established that the experience of the mango is not in the mango, because if it was everybody would experience the same thing. Each person is creating a different experience. How is it happening? How come it is different? Because my experience of anything depends on my past experiences. If I’ve never heard of anything called “a ghost,” the darkness doesn’t bother me, I’ll walk there and turn on the light. Somebody who believes ghosts exist, will not even dare to go there. So the experience of the same inert thing called darkness produces completely different experiences in two people. So where is the experience coming from is the question.

Sawyer: I don’t know.

iRealization: Why do you have a different experience of the mango each time you eat it?

Sawyer: It tastes different?

iRealization: How do you know it tastes different? If you eat the mango for the first time, it doesn’t taste different because there’s nothing to compare it to so you don’t know what to expect and you have a certain experience. The next time you eat a mango you say it tasted different. How do you know that? Because you remember the previous mango and you are comparing, right?

Sawyer: Yes.

iRealization: So the person who ate the mango for the first time and the person who ate the one-hundred thousandth mango, what is the difference in their experience of the mango? One brings nothing to the table, the other brings their apparent expertise. One-hundred thousandth mangoes! “Let’s have a taste, I will tell you what the mango is!” Versus the other who has no experience of it. He’s going to eat it, he’s going to taste it and he will have everything that it is without any ideas in the middle. The experience is the experience but if you bring the past into it, you’re going to mix it up into the nonsense that the past is. Which is not there – imagined. So you’re bringing imagined crap into the actual experience of what is there. To go back, how can ten different people have ten different experiences of the same mango? The answer is that they all have different past experiences which muddles the waters. If all of them didn’t have that, then the experience of it, even if they express it differently, would be uncolored by anything else. It would just be whatever happened in the moment and that has nothing to do with the mango, with themselves or anything. It’s totality! There is an actual inherent experience in everything but the mind brings all the past and mixes it up with what is perceived, saying “It is this, it is that” and is constantly classifying it, constantly doing its thing which is comparing, classifying and comparing again. “This is a mango”; “This is a flower.” That name and form… What is the use of calling it a flower?

Sawyer: It’s only so I can talk to someone else about it.

iRealization: Right. Only to talk to someone else! So now, if you want to so-called wake up, you want to get the experience of the ending of this dream. The awakening process and all that stuff we’ve been talking about. Is there any point to talk to anybody else about it?

Sawyer: No.

iRealization: Right. You’ll perpetuate the illusion because there is no one there. Now… finally I want to say, after you’ve finished eating the mango and experience it with all your five senses and you still don’t know what it is, see… even those five senses have been interpreted on the background of your own past experiences as the “me”, as in “I’m the one eating the mango.” Therefore the knowledge is partial. Why? Because I’ve included my own ignorance into it. Even though I say “I’m the one eating it for the first time”, I’m still the one eating it, and who is that I that Jacob imagines is eating the mango once he realizes that he is the whole dream? The one who is eating it and the one who is experiencing it, that itself is an illusion, no?

Sawyer: Yes.

iRealization: So you have to see very clearly the actual experience of a dream is actually sleeping. Sawyer is asleep in his bed, very comfortably asleep. No care in the world and yet Jacob is running around eating mangos, trying to wake up and trying to figure it all out. Whereas the actual experience of all the characters in there is of nothing, there is no experience. It’s imagined. And if you have to go deeper you’ll realize that these characters come from the subconscious and in fact the subconscious is at rest.

When Shiva went to sleep, Shakti began to dance. When Intelligence went to sleep, the illusion began to dance. And in the lack of that Intelligent Light, what appeared, appeared to be real. But when the light turned on what was seen was that the absence of light was imagined: “Oh! The ghost was actually not real! It was just a shadow!” And the experience of the ghost vanishes when the light turns on. The knowledge of the ghost not being real arose. That knowledge that arose within this existing experience removed the experience of the false knowledge of the ghost. It was producing experience. See, even though it was not there it was producing experience! How can something that is not there produce any kind of experience and to whom?

Sawyer: They’re all the same thing, the one experiencing it, the experience, all of it is the same thing.

iRealization: So the real experience is of no experience because the ghost was never there, ever! So something that was never ever there can never have produced any experience, you see? Which is why when you wake up from an active dream you feel rested because the actual experience was of sleeping.

Sawyer: Right, you weren’t actually running around and doing all that stuff.

iRealization: Right. So the experience of running around is obviously the same as a ghost that you are imagining, because it’s not actually happening, right?

Sawyer: Yes.

iRealization: So in the dream situation what is the actual experience of Jacob once there is the true realization, not just intellectual understanding of words, that it is a dream?

Sawyer: He wakes up.

iRealization: Who wakes up? He cannot. Once he realizes it is a dream there is nobody to wake up. Jacob no longer feels it is a dream because the very concept of a dream is based on the past experience of something. So, to see what is the actual experience has to be found out. And in this there is no conflict, no questions remaining, no thoughts, nothing. And that nothingness is fullness. See, thoughts arise when you don’t know. If you don’t have questions or any desire to know anything, will any thought arise?


Photography - Courtesy of Andrew Svk

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